VishwaConclave'24 - A multi-disciplinary student-centric concalve


Who can attend VishwaConclave ‘24 and what type of event is it?

Anyone with a sense of curiosity can attend, including students and adults. VishwaConclave ‘24 is an offline event.

When and where will VishwaConclave ‘24 take place?

VishwaConclave ‘24 will be held on 26th March 2023 at Sharad Arena, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune.

How long will VishwaConclave ‘24 last?

VishwaConclave ‘24 will be a single-day event, from afternoon to evening.

How many sessions and speakers will there be at VishwaConclave ‘24?

There will be 4 invigorating sessions with 5 different speakers at VishwaConclave ‘24.

What are the domains of the speakers at VishwaConclave ‘24?

The speakers will come from domains including Defence, Technology, Entertainment, and Cultural.

How are the speaker sessions structured at VishwaConclave ‘24?

Each speaker session will last for an hour, comprising a 40-minute anchor moderated discussion followed by a 20-minute attendee interaction.

Is attendance mandatory for all sessions at VishwaConclave ‘24?

While attendance for each session is encouraged as each talk holds the potential to be life-changing, attendees can leave the event early in case of an emergency.

Where can I find more information about VishwaConclave ‘24?

You can find more information about VishwaConclave ‘24 on our Instagram page

Can attendees ask questions to the speakers during the moderated discussions?

Yes, attendees can ask questions during the audience question round at the end of the session

Are there any registration fees or costs associated with attending VishwaConclave ‘24?

The ticket price for VishwaConclave ‘24 is Rs 599